Wednesday 25 June 2014

#EBBC14 The Vine Diaries

Tomorrow I'm heading to Dublin for the 2014 European Beer Bloggers Conference. I had a blast at last years conference in a very hot and sticky Edinburgh which I blogged about here. The true highlight for me at last years event was the live blogging segment in which I almost incurred the fearsome wrath of Innis & Gunn after I described the beer they offered to us as tasting akin to 'a mouthful of wet dirt.'

Sadly there isn't going to be a live blogging section at this years conference but you will of course be able to follow a deluge of completely sensible tweets using the hashtag #EBBC14. As the live blogging was my favourite element of last years conference by some distance (bar all the wonderful beer and camaraderie, of course) I've been wracking my brain for other ways to best express myself over the course of the next 72 hours. 

I'm quite fond of Vine. Something about the immediacy of it and only having a maximum of six seconds to get your point across appeals to my nature. I've decided to use it to document my exploits at this years conference and then once it's all over I'll stitch all the vines I make during the conference together to produce a short video which I'll then upload for everyone to see.

If you don't already follow me on Vine then you can here or if you're on that Twitter (follow me @totalcurtis) you can tune in to the action by following the hashtag #TheVineDiaries. The action will kick off tomorrow morning and I can promise you it's going to be a big pile o' fun.


  1. your vine reviews are well good. i still hate beer though.

    1. One day I will do a vodka vine for you Hannah.

  2. I have one request Matt: that you teleport me on a vine at some stage over the weekend. That is all.

    1. I have no idea how you do this but it will be fun working it out!
