Monday, 16 March 2015

A Moment - Being In The Pub

I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point over the last twelve months my relationship with beer and more importantly, pubs, shifted ever so slightly. It used to be always about the beer, perhaps the seeking of a story and, most importantly, being with friends. The pub itself was simply a pinprick on a map that I'd relocate to in order to engage in the activity I'm the most fond of. I can always say I'm happy when I'm in the warm embrace of a pub, be it alone or with others and, being honest with myself, I find it hard to say that about a lot of other places. As I stopped constantly trying to find something new and comforting, the same two things instead found me. I began to realise that what made me so happy was being in the pub itself. It didn't matter if it was the sleek, curved underbelly of a railway arch or the soft, low lit, wooden interior of a Victorian terrace, just being there, in that moment filled me with utter contentment. I now long for the next moment I get to sit in the pub and talk for hours or simply watch the world go by. Right now, for me, nothing beats being in the pub.

The above photograph was taken in The Fat Cat, Norwich, January 2015. I drank half an Elgood's Coolship with two very good friends.  


  1. Yes!

    And perfect choice of image from a pub that is made for just spending time in.

    1. Thanks Andy, it was looking at that photo that started to inspire the post!

  2. Beer for beers sake is fine, but really it's about the pub, or the craft, the personalities and the polemics. Just a moment in life. Which are all about the people really. Once I'd written that a few times I stopped writing about beer and if I ever pick it up again it'll be about the people and the places, lubricated with my favourite kind of friend juice.
