Like a many other modern London-brewed beers this Pale Ale is bottle conditioned so I left the bottle to settle in my fridge overnight whilst it chills. The label has a clear bottled on date so you can check that your beer is fresh, one of the little touches I really appreciate. The label also boasts that this beer contains an 'exuberant mix of malted and toasted barley' and 'an obscene amount of New World leaf hops added at every possible stage of the brewing process.' Bold claims from a young brewery but it's certainly got me salivating, obscene is a word not to be used lightly.
The beer is more of a rich, light amber colour as opposed to a straw coloured traditional pale ale so it's already ticking the 'American craft' box on my checklist. The beer is nice and bright in the glass and I'm careful to avoid pouring any of the sediment in with it (although I do tend to neck that straight from the bottle once I've finished pouring.) Sticking my nose in I get a big hit of grapefruit, candied orange and marmalade, delving deeper into the aroma the malt bill is also detectable in the form of malted bread and honey.
I can already tell from the aroma that this beer is going to float my sailing vessel but I was quite taken back when I took my first sip. I was instantly transported back over the Atlantic and towards the towering Rockies, the bitter grapefruit, mandarin, melon and lychee flavours making me recall those excellent brews that opened my mind to the world of modern beer. The brew it most reminds me of is the excellent Dale's Pale Ale from Oskar blues, that huge fruity bitterness balanced on a sturdy, rich malt backbone but incredibly drinkable for it's 6.5% ABV. This is the kind of beer you want in your fridge at all times, it's an everyday beer that you'd happily sink repeatedly whilst relaxing at home. The great thing is that I only have to walk down the road to get it so I CAN have it in my fridge at all times, if only it came in one of those clever cardboard six-packs you get the States, then it would be TOTAL CRAFT as we like to say these days.
The one detectable thing that separates this from those delightful Colorado brews is that signature yeasty tang you get particularly from London breweries. It might be the yeast, it might be the water but it's the same signature bitter aftertaste you get with pale ales from Redchurch and The Kernel. It's not an unpleasant taste but for me it takes aways from the cleanliness of the beer, a quality that Tandleman always looks for in a great beer and Mark Dredge wrote about so well recently. It's a factor in beer that I think I'm beginning to understand myself and so will perhaps explore in more detail in a future post but for now, I'm going to drink some more of this stunning beer from the Rocky Head.
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